Category: Life Stories
A Better Question
Raising my son, I reveal my potential so he can reveal his own.
Category: Life Stories
Raising my son, I reveal my potential so he can reveal his own.
Category: Life Stories
Reawakened to a childhood calling, I return to school to discover new ways to bring forth the strength and wisdom residing in all people. I’m Stephanie Wilson from Altadena, California.
Category: Life Stories
Striving in faith, I forge a winning heart and mind.
Category: Life Stories
Fighting for the life of a hospital, I lay the foundation for my own unshakable happiness.
Category: Life Stories
Seeing myself through my mentor’s eyes, I open my life to the love I deserve.
Category: Life Stories
Losing my hearing to cancer, I open my life to heed a new calling.
Category: Life Stories
Basing my life on the mentor-disciple relationship, I transform generations of family karma.
Category: Life Stories
In honoring my sister’s life, I begin, for the first time, to honor my own.
Category: Life Stories
A ferocious prayer for my life and my son’s brings forth new strength and joy.
Category: Life Stories
Planting seeds of Buddhahood, my inner joy transforms my environment.
Category: Life Stories
Seeking the mentor, I master my anger to win at my work.
Category: Life Stories
Healing through art, I discover my mission and bring joy to all around me.
Category: Life Stories
Uniting with me in prayer, my son takes responsibility for the happiness of his family.
Category: Life Stories
How the humanity of SGI members upended my worldview and remade me as a revolutionary.
Category: Life Stories
Summoning courage, I discover my passion for discussing Buddhism with young people.
Category: Life Stories
Striving alongside my mentor, I confront my fear of self-expression to become a bold disciple and actor.
Category: Life Stories
My Buddhist practice has enabled me to transform my perceived weaknesses into my greatest strengths. I’m Matt Thompson from Denver.
Category: Life Stories
By practicing Nichiren Buddhism with the SGI, I have gained a deeper sense of my mission as a “lawyer for life.”
Category: Life Stories
SGI-USA member Kryssi Staikidis is a painter, professor and head of Art and Design Education at the Northern Illinois University School of Art and Design. In 2021, she was conferred the National Art Education Association’s June King McFee Award for her research and art, teaching practices that focus on community, inclusivity and social justice. World
Category: Life Stories
Inspired by my best friend’s brilliant life, I battle alongside my mentor and summon the courage to open my heart.